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Prayer Requests

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We take your prayer requests.  Please avoid requests regarding the 8 worldly concerns - four that we crave and four that we fear: gain/loss, pleasure/pain, praise/blame, and fame/disgrace. These lead to further sufferings. "All the unhappiness in the world comes from the desire for our own happiness. All the happiness in the world comes from the desire for other's happiness." - Shantideva


Please include the person's name and, if possible, a photo. We will recite prayers for you or anyone you designate, including pets or other beings. The first 4 prayers are recited daily for 30 days; the others are each recited once.


  • White Tara or Medicine Buddha – for sickness, injury or surgery

  • Vajrasattva – prayer for purification

  • White Tara or Amitayus – long life prayers

  • Chenrezig or Green Tara – stressful or negative situations

  • Phowa – for a person or an animal who has recently died; additional information needed: day and approximate time of their passing, their main or favorite Buddhist practice (if any)

  • Nei Dren – guiding the deceased to higher realms

  • Special Tsok (food) offerings

  • Puja Smoke offerings


Please email your request to FREE. Donations are appreciated. For suggested amounts or any other requests, please send an email to the address above.


To donate:  



Bodhicitta the excellent and precious mind,

Where it is unborn, may it arise.

Where it is born, may it not decline

But ever increase, higher and higher.

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